Update ;
Thursday, 13 June 2013 • 07:21 • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum Earthling

Shinee Brotherhood

Annyeong? rasa macam dah lama betul saya tak datang sini. Disebabkan baru habis exam, saya sangat sibuk dengan result segala bagai tu semua. Thanks god, semuanya dah selesai. Back a few days, saya ada terfikir nak ubah rupa blog ni, lama betul saya fikir macam mana nak re-new kan rupa dia, tapi lastly saya give up dgn sikap cerewet diri sendiri. haih~ Tapi, walau sesibuk mana pun saya, I'll always check on my shining Shinee. Oh ya, Taeminie? chukkae, It was a great stage. I'm hoping 'Trap' will be succesfull. awak sangat comel!

Fighting!  'Trap'  - Taem, Henry, Kyu

Recently, Shinee tengah busy untuk diorang punya 2nd Japan Tour, and tak lama lagi, diorang pun dah nak release Japanese punya 2nd album. so, I'm wishing you the best of luck, fighting! Baru-baru ni juga, Shinee ada buat collaboration dengan Sketcher & Naver untuk produce diorang punya T-shirt dengan Caps sendiri. wow~ And, happy betul dapat tengok Mr.Jjong dah ada balik dengan dia punya brothers.


They look even brighter when they're 5 isn't it?

And the best part is, SM is planning to release Shinee’s 5th mini album in the later half of the year. It was mentioned in Nate's article on the morning of June 12th along with a news about TVXQ’s Japanese tour. Really? I can't wait to see them back on stage! These guy seems to work really hard. I know 2013 is going to be their another big year. With two wildly successful album releases in the first half of 2013, one can only imagine what Shinee has in store for us!

More, Shinee is crossing off another feat on their bucket list as they are scheduled to stand on stage at a major music festival, ‘UMF Korea 2013’! They’ll be collaborating with Beat Burger to perform the remix of 3 of their hit songs including 'Dream Girl'. UMF is an electronic music festival that is held across the world and this will be the second time that the festival is held in Korea. The event will take place on the 15th.

Before I forgotten, Shinee is nominated for 4 Awards in World Music Awards 2013 under 4 catogories :
- World's Best Album
- World's Best Group
- World's Best Live Act
- World's Best Entertainer Of  The Year

It would be great if they can win all 4 right? No worries, they're on their way Shawols. Be ready for a standing ovation.

Tofu Leader Onew

Can't believe, you look even younger and cuter each day. Soon, people will start to call our beloved Tofu Leader as Shinee's 2nd maknae since Minho is slowly becoming a really handsome young man. Anyhow, Onew is always adorable. We love you no matter what, know that? grinned

Flaming Charisma Minho

Here comes the original maknae Taemin

And the Almighty Key

Saya ada krisis dengan otak sendiri, jadi maaf la kalau entry kali ni agak kucar-kacir. Bila saya baca balik, saya rasa macam bukan saya yang taip, betul ke? entah. Orang-orang kat sekeliling saya selalu cakap yang saya ni terlalu banyak berfikir sampai menyusahkan diri sendiri. Saya pun tak tau kenapa saya lebih banyak fikir tentang orang lain sampaikan saya tak sedar yang diri saya dah banyak berubah. Tapi bagus la, saya dah dapat kawal emosi saya dengan baik sekarang. Sentiasa la doakan saya dapat jadi manusia yang baik ok? Semoga awak semua dapat hidup dengan lebih ceria. Good night sweetheart, ppyeong~

Cr : Shinee Town

Guten Tag;

Hazell | Nov 97 | Muslim | Shawol | SM Stan
