Shinee Chukkae ;
Monday, 3 December 2012 • 10:04 • 0 comments Assalamualaikum,Hye! hye! hye! Ok, actually this is the 1st entry, lepas dh 6 bulan bertapa *err* Shawols? did u've been well? knp hilang? well, alasan yg sma, kononnya,Pmr.Then lps habis? kemas buku la, then? Holiday! *sarcastic* Dah.dah. berhenti kat situ. Shawols? Shinee mng award!!! Yeay! Sy dh mcm happy gla, masa ddk bertapa dpn tv mlm tu. Proud? Yes I am :) *Best dance performance* They're doing great. Chukkae~
Ok la, Gonna stop here, Aphal entry ni pendek? Sebab suis otak dah off, Tak blh berfikir dah. Selamat malam awk *morning* Pleasants dream,ok? With love and care; Hazell Aie say goodbye! "Shawols? Love you more!" |
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