Welcome 2012 ^^
Sunday 1 January 2012 • 10:29 • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum !!!

hye...hye...hye...<---(dy mmg slalu cm ny ke???)

lip lap lip lap kte da pn msok thun baru an??? so...say hye to---> '2012'
mcm kejap je smua bnda ny jd :') and 4 sure la Aie pn da mkin TUA!!! ngee~
i'm gonna be one of the 'PMR VICTIM' soon *Ya Allah,permudahkanlah segala2nya untuk Aie

ckp sal thun bru ny...msti smua org asyik ckp sal AZAM...AZAM and AZAM kn??? ok2 Aie pn ad AZAM jgak,* ap? engt Aie tada ek :)?
tp...AZAM Aie sme je stiap thun :) iaitu--->

1.I wanna be a good girl
2.I Wanna be a daughter that can be proud of
3.1 Wanna be success
4.I Wanna be a good sweetheart :)
5.I wanna be a good clans

jd? please doakan Aie lbih baek dri yg sblmnya ok? *(Aie pn mnusia biasa)
Ad org yg smbut thun bru pegi tgok fireworks ke??? msti ar ada an? Aie? x tgok pn :P
stkat dgr bnyi dy yg blh memekakkan tlinga 2 ad la :)

hmmm...2011??? rsa sdih plak nk tnggal sgala yg pnah jd thun lpas...pahit manis 2 smua...
i've learned a lot from that...tp ap nk bt...people do grow older kn? lgpun the bumi won't stop spinning around...so live the life well Aie.Don't ever hit people,Play fair and Say
sorry when you're wrong <---bagi nsihat at dri sndri ^^

Psst...Aie ad wish 'SELAMAT TAHUN BARU' at Mr.Busy,hmmm...tp,may be dy sbok holiday agknya
:') so awk? hopely this is the best year 4 you :)

untk smuanya yg Aie knal @ yg knal Aie (err? mcm sme je ) Aie nk say sorry sgt2
klau Aie ad bt slah yg teramat2 bnyk...I'm not an angel.Maafkan Aie ek :)
kdg2 Aie x sdar pn bla Aie terlukakan aty org,and I'm sory i didn't realize that...

Nananana...So the end of the post....

ASSALAMUALAIKUM AGAIN!!! daaaa ^^ *wink wink

Guten Tag;

Hazell | Nov 97 | Muslim | Shawol | SM Stan
