I miss my Childhood !!!
Sunday 30 October 2011 • 10:50 • 0 comments


huwaa!!! i miss my childhood life so much!!!
zman naek buaian up and down...
best gla jd bdak2.ble sedih? nangis...ble hppy? ktawa :-)
x pyah fkir ap2 pn. x pyah fkir psal homework,study,probs.smuanya lah (huhu ^^)
zman kta blh bt ap sje yg kta nak...
kra mcm...zaman 'kegemilangan gitu' (amboi aq pny definition??? x ingat dnia)
haila-haila :-) ap2 pn i really miss that 'simple fun' life.tersangat-sangat thp kronik mlampau.
Jd untk my 'adik2 and ank2 sdara' smua? go for it.have a lot of fun before u're being a teenager :-( u'll really2 gonna miss ur childhood so much like crazy.trust me :-) sya sdg merasainya (cewah ^^)
mse kat tadika dlu??? sungguh2 nangis sbb? x nk gi sekolah.hahaha
tp skrg pn rse mcm nk nangis sungguh2 jgak...psal? nk blik tadika blek :'( huhu exam dah dkat gla2 nih. 2 hari lg. ayark!!!

miss my messy book...
normal la...bku zman knak2? pnuh dgn doodles ^^
bljar? kisah ap :-)
miss my 'penatlelah' means? artwork aq zman kcik2 dlu la...ikan la,kad la and ntahapapalagintah.
klau la dpt blek ke zaman 2??? mmg aq dh mcm bleh terbang gamaknya. (trlbih hppy ^^)

jd untk teacher2 yg guiding me mse kat racsem dlu??? thanks ea??? a lot !!! sesangat. yg guide sya dri x knal hatta 'ABC ' pn,smpy la sy dh jd student SMJ skrg ni...especially my Miss Ti ^^ Love U !!! Miss U so much ^^

Prcya @ x? sbnrnya...ckg2 tadika kta 2 la yg pling bnyk berjsa skali.dyorg yg first2 sklay handle kta bla we're throwing tantrums sbb x nk pg sek.nangis sungguh2 nk blek.dyorg pjuk kta smpy kta dh dpt trima yg 'a school life' 2 mmg fantastic !

jd...teachers??? thanks...
because of you,i'm a SMJ 's student right now. i've learn to makes friends since u're forcing me 2 shake hand dgn my tablemate on my 1st day. I've learn to love our teachers since u're kissing my cheek on my last day being a ' kindergarden kid'

I've learn to appriciate all those things that had been given to us since u're hanging our artwork no matter how bad it's look like :-)
bla sya tnya "why did you hang it on the wall? it's not pretty at all" and teacher slalu jwb... "it's ur 'penatlelah' and i'll appriciate it sbb u're trying so hard 2 make it looking good"
and thanks...4 sbb x pnah lpe sy stiap kli sy mncul kat Racsem 2...wlaupn sy dh jauh brbza.bkn lg Ain Najwa yg dlunya dgn ponytails and red skirt :-)
and sorry...sbb mse teacher's day ari 2? sy x smpt blek.tp sy call kan??? :-)

So...The end of the story???
zaman tadika 2 bnyak mngajar kta...tntg sgalanya.cme msa 2...kta msih x fhm :-) kan?


(ps:Racsem menggunakan english sbagai bhasa pengantara )

Guten Tag;

Hazell | Nov 97 | Muslim | Shawol | SM Stan
