Fake ;
Saturday 20 September 2014 • 08:39 • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum Earthlings

Never fall for people's sweetness. Sometimes, you are just an option when they are bored. Hold on a second, can I create a new word here? can we just call it 'Carefake symptoms' as I'm going to talk a bit about this. Yep. Lets do it my way. Hee~

Well, kadang-kadang, kawan-kawan kita ni pandai betul berlakon kan? They will ask heartless question for no reason. You sure know what am I talking about, do you? Awak mesti boleh rasa sama ada ikhlas atau tak seseorang tu bila dia bertanya. Kan?

They practically throw out questions to make us feel that they are too concern about us. But yet they do nothing to make things better either. That is what I called a 'Carefake symptoms'. Nope, Ain Najwa is not being sarcastic, but yes. You can care less about me but at least try to not be fake. I am not a toy. I was born as a human. With feelings. Maybe I just don't understand. That's it. A big question mark here.

"Eh Ain. Hang tak mai kelas ke tadi?"
"Aku datang. Awat?"
"Aku tak nampak hang pun?"
"Aku nampak je hang. Tudung hitam kan? Baris depan"
"Wei serius aku tak nampak hang"
"Hang bukan tak nampak."
"Cuma hang tak cari"
"Kalau tak cari, mana jumpa"
"Awat kalau aku tak datang?"
"Boleh aku simpankan hang, kerja yang cikgu bagi"
"Jadi? hang ada simpankan untuk aku ke tak?"

Ya wei. Hang memang betul-betul peduli kan? Ya. Terima kasih la banyak-banyak. Aku tak sangka betapa bagusnya hang putar belit aku. Maybe to you, i'm that stupid huh? Oh, what a good friend you are.

Thoughts Told;
Ain Najwa

Why do I have to attend Chemistry on the first day of school ! A week of holiday felt like nothing at all.

Guten Tag;

Hazell | Nov 97 | Muslim | Shawol | SM Stan
